Shatha is an egyptian female solo traveler, the last 5 years started to visit countries in the neotropical zone in order to increse her birds numbers, get amazing photos of birds but also with the aim to encourage females to travel around the world. during 10 days we explored, watched and photographed birds on the central andes of Colombia.
Shatha´s media.

In South America there is nothing like the Andes mountains, it is a single mountain range until reach the the south of Colombia and split in 3 different branches creating an unparalleled variety of ecosystems and habitats from the tropical forest in the lowlands to the Paramo in the top of the mountains above the treeline. As a result, the biodiversity which inhabits the Colombian An des is not only astonishing but also special.
The central cordillera is the highest of the three branches of the Colombian Andes. The range extends from south to north dividing from the Colombian Massif in Cauca Department to the Serranía de San Lucas in Bolivar Departments. The highest peak is Nevado del Huila at 5,364 m (17,598 ft) but also includes other high peaks like Nevado del Ruiz at 5,321 m (17, 453 ft) There are no plateaus in this range and no passes under 3,299 m (10,825 ft). the worldwide known coffee has origin in this area and the diversity of habitats ecosystems plus local reserves, flora and fauna conservation areas and national parks boost the numbers of birds.

during our 10 days trip we were able to record almost 200 bird species, incredible sights an of course tons of good photos!
About central andes in Shatha´s words: it is a heaven for birds, definitely a must for any birder not only the birds but the landscape and the people are so vibrant, dynamic, colorful

here is a short recaption - in photos - of our last days in the trip with!
Torrent Duck moment in Chinchiná Caldas: we visited Mr Jhon and his farmhouse in the outskirts of Chinchiná, a medium sixe town in the mountains, the rivers coming down from los Nevados natural park are great habitat and scenary for this beautiful duck.

in the same place we were able to watch this incredible Green Honeycreeper with bilateral gynandromorphism.

Our visit to Tinamu reserve was very productive! we went into the forest to enjoy a magnificent lek of Goolden-collared Manakin, dancing, jumping and clapping the wings, not far from this, Green Hermits were also lekking!

Mountain toucans are such incredible beautiful birds, their colorful plumage and behavior are amazing. during the trip we watched and photographed two toucans of the genus Andigena. the Grey-breasted Mountain Tocaun in Hacienda el Bosque and the Black-billed Mountain Toucan in Color de mi reves.

Hummingbirds on the high elevations belongs to a different world. we had several hummingbirds sessions during the trip and we visited several places with a different set of species and we recorded 29 species!

But the best of all hummingbirds and probably the most wanted was waiting for us the paramo at 4.100 masl (12.000 ft) the Buffy Helmetcrest is such a unique bird. its range of distribution is a dot on the map, totally confined to Los Nevados National park. we invest one of our morning to reach the place and despite the cold and rainy weather we enjoyed this hummingbirds several times while visited the flowers.

high on the Andes, the Antpittas are particulary diverse, in a forest walk you can heard one or two species, some days even up to four! their songs like a whistling in many cases are easy to identify. during our trip we had so much fun with Antpittas and we watched and photograph: Brown-banded Antpitta (endemic), Hooded Antpitta (near endemic), Bicolored Antpitta, Slate-crowned Antpitta and the Chestnut-crowned Antpitta, who gave us a show!

No matter the language or the culture, love for birds united us and it is a therapy for the soul...
Golden-collared Manakin
Buffy Helmetcrest
Red-rufed Fruitcrow
Long-tailed Sylph
Barred Fruiteater.
walking beside a lek of the Golden-collared Manakin
El color de mi reves
Hacienda el Bosque
Fiambre at Demostrativa Don Miguel (Local dish with chicken, rice and potatoes on a onion and tomatoes sauce, packed in the plantain leave.)

*All photos by Alejandro Pinto during the current trip.